Wednesday 18 April 2012

Review: Barry M Lip Gloss - Cherry Glitter

Hi everyone,

So I first saw this lip gloss on a You Tube video posted by SWalkermakeup ( - thank you Sara! - and instantly ran out to buy it. It's everything a girl could ever want in a lip gloss, tonnes of sparkle, stays on for AGES and actually gives your lips a really nice not too intense red colour as well. And did I mention that it smells like Cherry Drops? Ah-maz-ing!!

I absolutely adore this lip gloss and have worn it quite a lot. I don't tend to wear it for work as red is a bit too 'jazzy' for that but I do wear it otherwise. 

Hopefully you can see from the picture below just how super sparkly it is.

It reminds me a bit of Dorothy's ruby slippers in Wizard of Oz - it's that sparkly! I also bought the matching nail varnish which I will post on separately as a NOTD post (hopefully tonight).

I got mine from Superdrug (Boots didn't have it which I thought was odd) and it was £4.49 (although I got it on a 3for2 I think).

Please note, the above picture isn't mine, I 'borrowed' it from the internet as my camera is not playing nice today!

Take care everyone!

Lotsa love
Lullahblog xx

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