Tuesday, 17 April 2012

First post... I'm Baaaaack...

Hi everyone!

So, after a VERY long break from blogging, I've decided to get my act together and start again. I'm going to ease myself in gently and just say hello and let you all know what I've been up to since I last blogged (on a completely different site might I add, so you might be thinking - who the heck is she!!!).

I will be jazzing this page up a bit when I get to grips with how blogspot works so watch this space...

OK, so for everyone who doesn't know me...

My name is Stacey, I'm a beauty product/make-up reviewer/blogger. I adore new products and am always on the look out for new amazing (and sometimes not so amazing!) products to try out and tell everyone about.

If there's a product in particular that you would like me to review then please by all means let me know and I will see if I have it (or may even buy it in your  honour if it's something that I'm excited about or like the look of!). Otherwise, I shall just start with some items that I'm loving at the moment and let you all know what they are and what I think about them. I have been testing out some skincare products over the last few weeks so I will be posting about them fairly soon, hopefully in the next few days.

Ooooh and I had a bit of a make-up splurge recently (drug store and higher-end) as well so I will put a haul together and maybe see if you would like me to review any of the products I bought!

That's it for now, take care everyone.

Speak soon.

Lullahblog xx

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