Monday 1 October 2012

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Hello lovelies,

Hope you're all well.

Thought I'd just do a bit of a chatty blog post about things that have been happening recently and just a catch up really.

I haven't been updating my blog as much as I would have liked to have over the last month as my computer is still broken. I've managed to borrow my husband's work laptop tonight which is why all my posts are being uploaded in one go. We're going through a house sale/purchase at the moment so money is a little bit tight but once we're all up and running, we'll be looking into purchasing a new laptop, so please bear with me!!

In other news, September was a pretty rubbish month all round. I seemed to be receiving a lot of bad news and just generally not having a very nice time. I don't want to go into too much detail on here as I don't want invade the privacy of others but in a nut shell, there was two very tragic things that happened as well as some personal things that I am dealing with at the moment.

So anyway, it's now October and I am determined that this will be a better month and with this in mind, I've decided to focus on things that make me happy and not dwell too much on things that make me sad.

With that in mind, here is a montage of things that make me happy, I thought I would share them with you as I don't say very much about my personal life or share pictures etc. and thought I'd give you a little glimpse behind 'Lullahblog' - if you're interested that it!!

Top left is a picture of me on my wedding day in August 2009. It really was the most magical day and I wish I could do it all over again! I'm still as much in love with my husband now as I was then and I don't know what I would do without him. I won't put a picture of him on here as again, I don't want to invade his privacy, hope you don't mind...

Top right is a picture of a Strawberry Muddle ice cream. This is from a lovely little ice cream shop down at the beach where I live. It represents how happy I am in my new life at the seaside (we moved here two years ago now). Nothing beats lazy walks on the beach and an ice cream on a Sunday morning and we're both so happy here in our little (ish) seaside town!

Bottom left is one of the lights of my life, my three year old nephew Charlie. He is such a little star and the most gorgeous little boy. He lives a little way away from me and I miss him lots but I absolutely adore him and love it when he comes to visit.

Bottom right is a picture of me and my husband (the giraffe!) at a charity event we were involved in recently. It's not the most flattering picture of me, I will admit!! The event was for the Foundation for Prader Willi Research which you can read about here if you are interested. It was held in Roundhay Park in Leeds a few weeks ago and was a family fun day and sponsored walk. Lots of hard work but lots of fun as well!

I wonder what October will bring. So far I am going to a Halloween fancy dress party (as a witch I might add!), I've not done fancy dress before so am a little scared but I'm sure it'll be lots of fun. Here's another little montage with some sneak peeks of my costume...

What do you think??

Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading this little insight into me and my life. If you would like to see more posts like this, then let me know as I'm always happy to bleat on about myself - ha ha!!

Hope you all have a fantastic October!

Lotsa love
Lullahblog xx

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