Saturday, 3 November 2012

Tag: Beauty Bloggers Tag

I saw this tag online a few days ago and I thought it looked like a fun post. I love reading posts like this where you get to know the blogger so if any of you decide to do this tag let me know in the comments, I'd love to have a read!

1.) Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

My hair's naturally curly, if I put a bit of mousse on it and leave it to dry naturally, I look like I've got a perm! I tend to blow dry and straighten mainly as my hair is so thick, it just goes massive when it's curly!!

2.) What is your natural hair colour?

It's naturally dark blonde/light brown. A really boring 'mousy' colour!

3.) Do you dye it yourself or go to the salon?

I do it myself, I dye it do often I don't think I'd be able to afford the salon every single time!

4.) How often do you wash your hair?

Usually every 2 or 3 days, I try not to wash it too often.

5.) Do you wear the same style or change it?

I mix it up with curly and straight looks or will wear it in a ponytail, nothing too fancy if it's just for work though.

6.) Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?

I do it myself, I love nail polish and experimenting with different colours.

 7.) How often do you change your nail polish?

It depends on my mood, I get bored with some colours and change quite often. I've changed my nail polish three times this week!

8.) Do you polish your nails in the winter too, or just the summer?

I paint them all year round - brighter colours in summer, darker colours in winter.

9.) How long does it take to put on your makeup?

10-15 mins for a day look and up to an hour if I'm going on a night out.

10.) What do you do first? Face or Eyes?

I do my face first, always. I like to create a blank canvas and go from there.

11.) Do you 'collect' makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?

I collect it and have far, far too much!!!

12.) How often do you wear false eyelashes?

Not very often, only on very special occasions really.

13.) Do you always do a full face of makeup everyday?

Yes although if I'm at work I don't wear very much (if any) eyeshadow.

14.) Do you wear makeup when you're home alone (or with family)?

No, if I knew I'd be staying in all day then I would give my skin the day off!

15.) Will you leave the house without makeup?

I would leave the house without makeup, but usually I don't.

16.) How many high end products do you have?

Not tonnes, most of my make up is drugstore but I will splash out if I really like the look of something (ie Naked Pallet was a must buy!!)

17.) How often do you clean your makeup brushes?

I'm really bad at cleaning my brushes and don't do it as often as I should - probably about once a week.

18.) Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?

I usually just decide in the morning when I'm getting dressed unless its something like a wedding in which case my outfit would be planned.

19.) How often do you change your handbag?

I've got so many handbags but I've got one favourite bag that I wear all the time, I keep meaning to start changing my handbags more often.

20.) What time do you get up and go to sleep?

I usually go to bed at around 11 and get up at 7.30 for work. On a weekend, I'll try to lie in but my body clock means I'm usually awake for 8ish.

21.) How often and when do you workout?

I never workout! I'm so bad, I'm a member at a gym as well so there's really no excuse. I really need to make more of an effort.

22.) Left-handed or Right-handed?

Right handed.

23.) How tall are you?

I'm only 5'4 and a half.

24.) Do you speak a foreign language?

No, I'd love to learn Italian though.

25.) How many pets do you have?

I have one cat called Charlie and two goldfish: one called Fisher and one called Krlic Jr (don't ask!!).

26.) How often are you on blogger?

Almost everyday, I love reading people's blogs. My computer is broken though so I'm having to post from my iPhone which is really annoying!!!

27.) Do you read the comments posted on blogs?

Yes I do.

28.) Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?

Yes! I have a notebook with a 'wishlist' in it.

29.) How did you come up with your blog name?

I used to have a cat called Lullahbelle so I just changed the end and voila! Lullahblog was born!!

30.) What kind of camera do you use for photographs?

I usually use my iPhone, the camera is quite good quality for a phone camera.

31.) How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other)

I try to tidy daily and give the house a deep clean at the weekend.

32.) What is your favourite colour?

It used to be pink but now I'd definitely say green.

33.) What is your favourite beauty/fashion magazine?

I love Cosmopolitan, a good old trusty mag with a good mix of content.

34.) Do you swear?

Sometimes, if I'm cross!!

35.) What are you doing with the rest of the day?

It's 10.30 at night so just watching a movie and then bed.

I tag anyone that wants to do it! :o)

Lotsa Love
Lullahblog xx

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